The Crisis Assessment and Treatment Team (CATT) - Werribee

The Community Assistance Teams and Training (CATT) Team is an essential initiative focused on providing comprehensive support, training, and resources to communities in need. This team significantly enhances community resilience, promotes well-being, and fosters a supportive environment through its core activities: crisis response, training and education, support services, and community outreach.

Crisis Response

The CATT Team’s primary role is to respond swiftly and effectively during emergencies, such as natural disasters or health crises. The team is trained to offer immediate assistance, including medical aid, psychological support, and logistical help. By being present during crises, the CATT Team ensures that community members receive timely and effective support, stabilizing situations and mitigating the impact of emergencies.

Training and Education

Equipping community members with essential knowledge and skills is a key focus of the CATT Team Melbourne. Regular training sessions and workshops cover topics like emergency preparedness, mental health first aid, conflict resolution, and basic life-saving techniques. These educational initiatives empower individuals to become more self-reliant and resilient, better prepared to handle future emergencies.

Support Services

The CATT Team provides ongoing support to individuals and families, helping them access essential services such as healthcare, housing, food security, and legal aid. Collaborating with local organizations and government agencies, the team ensures that community members can utilize available resources, addressing both immediate needs and underlying issues.

Community Outreach

Engaging with the community through town hall meetings, surveys, and focus groups, the CATT Team Werribee maintains an open line of communication with residents. This ongoing dialogue helps the team gather feedback and adjust their programs to better meet the community’s needs, fostering trust and collaboration.


In summary, the Crisis Assessment Team Melbourne enhances community resilience and well-being through crisis response, training, support services, and outreach. By empowering individuals and fostering collaboration, the CATT Team helps build stronger, more resilient communities.

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